You might remember when our McDonald's on the East side of town burned down last December. I wrote about it here. Well it recently re-opened and everyone in town was excited to visit the brand new shiny Mickey D's...including us:) I took the kids and a friend from church to breakfast the morning it opened. We got there around 8 which was not nearly as extreme as the group of kids who had camped out all night to be the first at the counter when it opened at 5:00 am.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Hills are Alive
The Grand Theatre downtown was playing The Sound of Music last Friday night so I wanted to take Mallory. She had never seen it and we had such a good time. I love that movie and could almost say each line before it was said on the screen. I wanted to sing the songs too! Mallory enjoyed it and has been watching the DVD since that night. I told her she reminded me of Gretl.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Growing Up
We met Patsy and her husband Ron back in 2005 when they came down to New Orleans after Katrina to help with the rebuilding. They were from Wyoming and brought their camper and stayed for months along with several other couples we grew to love. We get to see them every year at the Church of God convention. They all were so great with Mallory during those post-Katrina days and she became their adopted little grandchild since most of them were missing their own grand kids. I happened to find this picture lying around the house and took it to Anderson so we could recreate the shot with Patsy and Mallory. Patsy said, "This time I'm not going to pick you up!"
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Michael's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Party
It was nearly six weeks ago and I am just now getting these pictures posted. We had a great time celebrating Michael's 4th birthday. Mallory's music teacher let me borrow a lot of the decorations I used. The school had done the Willy Wonka musical last year. I got most all of the chocolate at the after-Easter sale at Wal Mart. Those big Wonka eggs were only a quarter each! Here is the album of all the fun.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Goin' Campin'
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Willy Wonka Elevator
There is a building in Louisville called the Kaden Tower that we pass every time we go to the airport. It has a glass elevator on the outside of the building that we call the Willy Wonka elevator. Michael has been wanting to ride it forever. When we took Oma and Opa back to the airport when they were leaving after coming for Michael's party we stopped there. It was on his actual birthday so it was really a fun treat.
Here he is ready to get on.
The nice view from the top. The elevator opens at the top to a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.The kids loved it but I got all nervous on the thing. It was hot and I could not look out. And after my getting sick episode on the tilt-a-whirl recently I don't know what I'm going to do when the kids want to go to places like King's Island. I will not be able to hang.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Fun with Friends
Mallory wasn't able to be at Ella's 7th birthday party due to our being out of town for camp meeting so we had a little mini-celebration the week before. Ella and Mallory were in dance class together when they were 3 and 4 and then cheered together when they were 5. Ella's little sister, Libby, and Michael were on the same spring soccer team. We love the Kays family!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Bathing Beauty
Friday, July 1, 2011
Mallory's Last Day of Kindergarten
It's been a month since Mallory got out of school but I still wanted to show these sweet pictures of her last day of Kindergarten. She wanted me to make her a shirt saying Goodbye Kindergarten so after she went to bed the night before I found this old blue shirt she had from a Mother's Day Out years ago. It was way too big then but was perfect now. It actually had a big red and white star design on the back so I went with those colors on the front. It says...
Good bye K
Hello 1st Grade
Opa and Oma were here for the last day celebration. (they had flown in that morning for Michael's party that weekend)

Mallory's school didn't have a Kindergarten graduation but I still wanted to do something to celebrate, especially since Mother and Lothar would be here.

Mallory did so great in Kindergarten! We are super proud of her. She didn't know how to read when she started and at the end of the year she tested at a 5th grade reading level! Mrs. Graves said she is ready for 1st grade. Way to go Mal!
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