Sunday, December 29, 2013

Waiting for Santa

Mallory wanted to put out a bit more healthy of a snack for Santa this year. She chose some fruit and a piece of apple pie. Michael picked the egg nog for him and then wanted to give a little cup of it to our elf, Quickly.

I thought Mallory's note to Santa was so precious. Her daddy has told her the story of his brothers before Christmas opening up a present he got when he was a little boy and playing with it so much that they broke it. It was a football game with a magnetic surface where the players just basically scoot around the field. When he opened it on Christmas it was broken. So that is what she is asking Santa to leave for her daddy. So precious. Santa wrote her back saying he didn't have one with him this year but maybe next year!
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Kitchenaid Upgrade

I got this white Kitchenaid stand mixer in the early 90s. It's been really awesome and had nothing wrong with it but I was just wanting an upgrade. So, I got this new red Artisan one this year. It has more power to the motor and a bigger bowl with nicer handle but other than that there's not much difference. I was going to give the white one away but decided to save it for Mallory. The things just don't wear out and she'll be able to use it until she gets a newer one for say, maybe a wedding gift from her momma! It's also nice to have the extra bowl and attachments on hand!

Happy baking to me!
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Waiting for Oma

The kids sat at the front door looking out for Oma, Opa and Uncle Bud on Saturday. We had nine inches of rain here that day so they couldn't go out and play! 
They finally arrived and we've been enjoying them so much. 

Preschool Christmas Stars

I made these ornaments for the kids in our class this year. The kids painted them then I put the glitter around them. Next I had each student write their name on a piece of paper. I used that to recreate their name on the ornament. I thought it'd  be neat for the parents to have something to keep  that showed how they wrote their name at four years old. Then I decoupaged their pictures on the back. They came out pretty sweet I thought. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Yes Virginia

Mallory, Michael and I watched the sweet animated version of Yes Virginia when we were out on snow days last week. It is really heartwarming.  At the end they show where you can send your letter to Santa at any Macy's. Tuesday we decided to head up to Cape Girardeau as a remedy for our cabin fever. We shopped a bit, ate lunch at Chic fil a and went to see Frozen in 3d which we all absolutely loved. The kids want to see it again and I wouldn't mind either! 

We went to the mall and the kids wanted to see if they had the red mailbox at Macy's. Sure enough they did. I snapped a few pictures of them at the table. I actually teared up watching them jot out their notes to Santa. So precious and sweet. I love having little children who believe. It's just wonderful. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day!

Quickly, our elf, informed the kids we were staying home from school today. Ice is covering the branches and there's a light dusting of snow. Freezing rain is still coming down with more snow expected later in the day. So far so good on the electricity. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ice Ice Baby

We're all settled in for the projected ice storm coming our way. They tell us to expect significant icing. We're praying we don't lose power. The kids are "watching a movie before the power goes out"!

We have plenty of supplies on hand so are ready for whatever might come our way. 
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Our elf, Quickly, showed up Monday morning. Happy Christmas times with the kids. 
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