Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Michael's New Bunks

When Michael came along we knew we'd still need a place for guests to sleep so we kept our old queen bed in his room. We put a crib in there too and I bought a denim comforter for the big bed to go with his sports themed nursery. When I was feeding him in the middle of the night when he was an infant I'd hang out on the bed, watch TV and nurse away. Some of our sweetest bonding was during those times. 

We eventually got rid of the crib. He never really slept in it anyway. And when we moved to Missouri the queen bed moved to Michael's room too. Again, he never really slept in it here either but it has always been where Oma and Opa and other guests have stayed. My sweet Daddy stayed in there on his last visit here over two years ago. I would bring him coffee in the mornings and check on him before we headed off to school. It was November of 2012. I remember going in to see him on the last morning of his stay. Paul was to take him to the airport that day and I teared up saying goodbye that morning. He said, "thank you for taking such good care of me Princess."  It was very sweet. I tear up now thinking about it. I would see my dad again before he passed away in March of 2013 but that was the last time I saw him in our home. 

Michael had expressed interest in bunk beds for a few years and we had been looking for a good long time but hadn't found anything. A couple of months ago I was talking to a friend who happen to mention that our neighbor across the street made furniture. We know the Ferrells and have been blessed by them in many ways since we moved to East Prairie. They will keep an eye on our house when we're away, they brought us some really nice goodies and a ham at Christmas and this past summer they let us enjoy the use of their in ground swimming pool at any time. Such an awesome thing for two little kids who love to swim and a momma who appreciated being able to just walk across the street and not even have to get in the car to take the kids swimming! However I never knew that Randy made furniture. What an art and skill. 

I sent Connie a text and asked her if he might be willing to make Michael a set of bunk beds. We wanted the kind with the stairs built in and drawers in the stairs. (Along with not having much of a bed Michael also didn't have a dresser! We're terrible aren't we?! Ha ha. We've always kept his clothes in his closet in those plastic drawer type bins. It works just fine!)
Connie said she'd talk to him and asked me to send a picture of what we had in mind. 

Later Paul and I walked across the street to see some of the furniture Randy had made and talked about the beds. He graciously agreed to make them and said he'd order the wood that week. He was planning to use pecan which was what he liked to work with. He said it was a very hard wood and would hold up nicely. 

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. Michael's custom made solid as a rock bunk beds made were delivered and set up in his room by Randy and Connie with some help from Paul. Randy said just the stair portion probably weighs 300 lbs!

They are absolutely gorgeous and will last many lifetimes. We joked with Michael saying he'd be able to give them to his son and grandson. Randy did such a beautiful job and just made them from the picture we had sent. What a gift. We are so thankful to the Ferrells and to the Lord for blessing us through them. 

Michael and Mallory slept in there last night, Michael on top, Mal on bottom. Reports are they are very comfy:)

They went in Michaels room right when we got home from school and have been in there ever since. 

It's become their new hangout. I love hearing them chatting with each other and can imagine many a late night talk in the years to come. Sweet sounds to a mother's ear and it all started with a little boy's dream of a bunk bed and the man sent from God to fulfill that dream. 

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